Capturing Today's Moments For Tomorrow's Memories!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Dress Pictures with Samantha

I had all these great ideas for our Christmas card this year that involved the whole family plus the dog but one thing led to another and it never worked out.  So, I finally gave up and decided that the Xmas card would just be a picture of Samantha.  Now that led to another problem...the child never wanted to put on her Christmas dress so I could snap a few pictures of her.  About a week ago it was a gorgeous day and I suggested we put her dress on and go outside for some pictures and she agreed immediately so off we went to the park by Grandmas for some pictures. 

I had such a hard time picking my favorite....I loved them all.

I think this one is my favorite but again I had such a hard time choosing.

Samantha and her "cheesy" smile

I love her expression here

Meet Amber.....Graduation Photo Session

Amber recently graduated college and missed the cut off to have Cap & Gown photos taken so I had the pleasure of taking her Cap & Gown photos last weekend.  We had some issues trying to figure out how the gown and its pieces went together but after we "googled" it everything was put on the proper way.

Even Amber's doggie got in on the action :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Meet Madelyn....

This morning I had the pleasure of taking pictures of Miss Madelyn.  I walked into her house and she was all giggles and smiles.  Her Mom was a little surprised because Maddie is typically shy with strangers but Maddie and I hit it off right away.  We got along so well because I had lots of goodies in my camera bag that Madelyn was very interested in.....especially my keys.  After a little direction I was able to get some great pictures in front of their Christmas Tree. 

Here is a preview of some of the pictures I have gone through so far.....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Arty, Melanie and their babies....2011

I had the pleasure of taking Arty and Melanie's pictures for their Christmas card again this year. 
What a difference a year makes....

Here is one of the pictures from 2010....the dogs are no longer babies.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Photo Session

This has become an annual event - getting pictures of the grandparents with their grandchildren for their  Christmas Cards.  This year's photo taking adventure was quite interesting...we ventured outside all 6 of us in the semi-cold weather and headed over to the "Duck Pond".  With us was a cranky 4 year old, a 3 year old and an 8 month old...very hard to keep everyone's attention all at the sametime...not to mention keeping the Grandparents in check too :)

Here is a preview for everyone to enjoy....

It was time for some attitude :)

The girls needed to burn off some energy

I love this picture....nobody was paying attention to me and doing there own thing.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Meet The Farkas Boys....

I had the pleasure of taking pictures for the Farkas' Holiday cards this year.  The boys were a little reluctant to have their photo taken but with a little pressure from my assistant (the 4 year old) they smiled nicely for the camera :).   Here are some shots from the morning.

We even got the pets involved in the pictures at the end.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's Swing Time...

Events  of the other day....

8:15am - drop Samantha off at school
8:30am - walk back to car after waving bye to Samantha
8:45am - pull into parking lot of Dunkin Donuts to get my large coffee
9:00am - back at home
9:00am-10:45am - it's chore time...laundry, dishes, clean up toys, etc. (checking in on fb occassionally)
10:45am - head back over to school to pick up Miss Samantha
10:56am - Samantha gets out of school
11:00am - trying to convince Samantha to go to a park to play instead of going home
11:15am - pulled into Colonial Park to only find out that the park is closed for renovations
11:16am - tears from Samantha
11:17am - headed over to Middlesex to go to the park by the High School
11:25am - changed course again and went to a park in Bound Brook where we played for over an hour

What a gorgeous Fall day it was.....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Signs of Fall...

While we were Trick-Or-Treating we had to chase away a squirell that was digging for food. After we chased him away he climbed a tree and began to eat a nut.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy "Belated" Halloween

Sometimes life just gets too crazy and there isn't enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done.  Trying to catch up on things now.....

We had a great Halloween trick-or-treating.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall sky...

I just love this time of year. 
The sky was so gorgeous the other day.
I loved the blue sky, the gray clouds and the trees without leaves.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just too funny....Cousin Time

Trying to get a 4 year old, a 3 year old and a 7 month old to cooperate for 5 minutes to get a picture is asking a lot.  No one wanted to cooperate at the same time.  It was definitely very interesting and amusing.  I was at least able to catch a memorable moment in time.  With no further-a-do here are the best 3 shots of the 5 minute photo shoot....they make me laugh.

You want me to look where???

Will this work???

At least I got a smile from my nephew :)

Here is to next time.....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Happenings

Tis the season for Pumpkin Picking.....
This year's seletion of Pumpkins was very slim....
What Pumpkins we could find in the field were very small or big and smashed.....

We had fun anyways and were able to find a tiny pumpkin for Samantha and a decent size one to carve.