Capturing Today's Moments For Tomorrow's Memories!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

{Thank You Pinterest...yet again}

One day while on Pinterest I came across a picture of a little baby in the bathtub in a laundry basket.  The baby must have been around 7 months old or so.  I thought this was a brilliant idea.  Miss Abigail is so outgrowing the infant bath tub and I was debating on buying something for her to go into in the regular bathtub.  I figured before I buy anything I will try out the laundry basket and it worked out perfectly.

The laundry basket worked out perfectly and Abigail had so much fun in the tub that even after she was out of the bath and watching her sister finish her bath she was trying to get back in.
Oh and we can't forget about the kisses we gave our big sister in the tub too....gotta love baby kisses.
Thanks for stopping by.....

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

{Halloween Happenings}

Samantha said she wanted to be something scary this year for Halloween...when in fact I knew she didn't really want to be something totally scary (cause she would scare so we compromised and decided she was going to be a Zombie Cheerleader.  Now the search went on to find her a costume for a Zombie Cheerleader that she liked.  We finally found something and she ended up looking awesome.  We both had a lot of fun picking out her make-up and accessories and deciding how we were going to do her hair, etc.

The Baby Miss Abigail was Super Girl for Halloween.  I really wanted her to
be a pumpkin but I couldn't find a costume that cost under $60 and that is absolutely crazy to pay that kind of money for a costume so....Samantha saw the Super Girl costume in a catalog and decided that is what she needed to be.  Samantha was absolutely right....Abigail was the cutest Super Girl ever....
Halloween night we went to the school for there Halloween parade and costume judging contest.  Samantha won for Most Original and Abigail won for Cutest.  Samantha was so excited that they both won.
Happy Halloween!!!
Thanks for stopping by......