Capturing Today's Moments For Tomorrow's Memories!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

i have been going to my aunt and uncles house for years and on the way we pass a farm that has horses and llamas. they are sometimes out in the fields eating the grass and hanging out....never by the fence at the road....until today. yes today was the first time seeing these horses up close and personal since going to my aunt and uncles house. i am not sure who was excited more me or samantha....the jury is still out. here is a photo of one of them i got with my phone on the way to my aunts....they were still out by the fence on the way home too. i grabbed my big camera then...will have more pics tomorrow for you.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

it's going to be a good summer...

just loving todays weather...been outside all day with my daughter and her cousins ....

Happy Saturday!

I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weather today... Happy Saturday!!! (On a side note...I figured out how to post from my phone)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Instagram new obsession

Like I really need something else to consume my time and take me away from cleaning, organizing and so forth.  Recently Instagram came to the Droid phones and I decided to check out what the hype was all about.  I quickly got consumed with taking pics with my phone and posting them on Instagram.  I even took my first 10 pictures and paid alot of money to have them printed out as 4x4's.  Since then though I have figured out how to have them printed out at home or I send them to Costco and have it printed on a 4x6 print and I cut it down. 

I like the fact that you can change the look of the photo with just a touch of the can be left in its original or made black and white, sepia, etc.

The Baby Boy Oscar

I was trying to eat my dinner but someone wanted some too

Me and my baby girl Samantha

The 4 year old painting her own toes

Kellen trying to climb up the slide at Kid Junction

Samantha driving to the firehouse

I have used a lot of these pictures within my Project Life adds a little something extra to it.

It's time to get off the computer and do a little work around the house before it's time to pick up the Baby Girl from school.

Thanks for stopping by....