Capturing Today's Moments For Tomorrow's Memories!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy {belated} 4th of July

Well things have definitely been crazy around here.  We are finally (I think) adjusting nicely to having a new baby in the house again.  Samantha is an awesome big sister and loves her baby sister. She is always giving hugs and kisses.

Here are the girls in there 4th of July outfits.
These are also going to count for Abigail's 4 month photo shoot.
(it is too exhausting these days dragging out all the stuff needed and the kids usually don't cooperate)
Abigail waiting for her 1st Fourth of July Firework Show
(too bad she fell asleep literally 2 minutes before they went off - oh well there is always next year)
Oh and let's not forget that we took the 4 month old and almost 6 year old on a camping trip.
Surprisingly we all survived and the baby did a great job.
I am going to try and update this more often - "try" being the key word.
I have gone back to work full time and am trying to juggle working and being a Mom of two.  I keep telling myself it will all eventually fall into place....maybe when the girls are in there 20's :).
Thanks for stopping by......