Capturing Today's Moments For Tomorrow's Memories!

Monday, December 24, 2012

From Our House To Yours.....

From Our House To Yours.....
Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year!!!
Thanks for stopping by....

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Samantha and The Evil Dog

That's the dogs new name by the way....Evil Dog...

I do feel bad for him but I can only deal with so much at one time and he is driving me insane and getting in way too much trouble these days.  You can't leave him home alone without him getting into something.

The only real thing that saves Oscar is the fact that Samantha adores him and gets so upset when we yell at him.  Don't get me wrong I love the dog but he is just too much for me right now being prego and all.

Samantha and Oscar
Our annual picture of the two of them in front of the X-mas Tree
Merry (early) Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by....

Friday, December 21, 2012

What Mommy's Are For.....

Have you ever had one of those days when you had a problem and you didn't know exactly how to solve it or make it simpler? 

Well yesterday I had a dilemma - I had a crazy idea to make ice cream cone cupcakes for my daughters holiday party at school. 

- making the cupcakes - a piece of cake :)
     (they actually turned out good)
- keeping the cupcakes safe from the dog - a piece of cake :)
- finding a way transport the ice cream cone cupcakes to school
                                       THE DILEMMA....

My initial idea was to cut holes in the bottom of a lid to a box and cover it in foil and stick the cones through the hole.

Well this idea was good in theory in reality it sucked (to say the least).  To make the 10 holes you see above took me 15 minutes or so.  To do the remaining 12-14 holes it would have taken me another 30-45 minutes and being almost 7 months pregnant I have absolutely no patients for such a task.  How did I get myself into such a dilemma to begin with - it's cause I am such a good Mommy.
This is where my Mommy comes into play.  I have no problem admitting that I am 32 years old and still call my Mommy when I need help solving a problem or to just run something by her.  I explained to her the situation and asked her if she had any ideas to transport the ice cream cone cupcakes so they didn't fall all over each other.  At first she said that she would have done the same thing and cut out holes in the top of a box.  I said OK I will keep cutting out the holes then.  We changed the subject and then my Mom said "Wait I might have an idea for the cupcakes....give me a minutes and then I will take a picture of it and send it to you." Thank goodness for smart phones - what would we do without them.
This is what Mom sent me - she said if you cut the bottom out of a paper cup and turn it upside down the cone will sit right on top of it and transport safely.  My response was "That's what Mommy's are for - to come up with ideas when the kids are at a loss for what to do."  I then said I would go to the store as soon as the cupcakes were done baking and buy some cups.  Mom said that she had more than enough cups and would be happy to give them to me - I just had to pick them up from her house.  I then said "How about doing me another huge favor and cut the bottoms out for me?"  Of course Mom can't say "NO" to me and happily cut out the bottoms of 24 cups for me.  
Let me tell you Mom was able to cut out the bottom of 24 cups in under 5 minutes.  She was my lifesaver.
The final product
All stacked nice and securely in the top of a box
The cupcakes had to be stored in the oven with a note taped to it saying not to use - cupcakes inside (this was because the hubby might turn the oven on to cook - yeah right (but just in case) - and for the fact that I am almost 7 months pregnant and am having serious cases of prego brain and forgetting things.
The cupcakes also go in the oven to  protect them from the evil dog that lives in our house that has been very very bad recently and would have gotten into them if they were left out somewhere that he could reach.
Without the help of my mother I would have been one frustrated pregnant woman....
Thanks Mom for all that you do.
Thanks for stopping by......

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Arty, Melanie and their babies - Holiday Photo 2012

I had the pleasure of taking Melanie and Arty's Christmas Card picture again this year. 

2012 Picture
2011 Picture
2010 Picture
I love looking back at the old photos and seeing how everyone has changed. 
Thanks for stopping by...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Just alittle OVERWHELMED.....Prego Files Part 4

Ok so I have been MIA from the blog for a couple of weeks much is going on. 

Well you could say I have been a little overwhelmed....
* new baby coming in 81 days (which blog counter just reminded me)
* a house that is not ready for a newborn baby
*  two bedrooms that need to be reorganized
*  clothing that needs to be gone through...not only for the baby but for the 5 year old as well
*  Christmas shopping
*  food shopping
*  Cooking
*  Cleaning (HAHAHA)
*  staying on top of the bills
*   and the list just keeps growing and growing and growing. 

On top of all that I think the husband is in denial that a newborn baby will be in our house again in more or less than 81 days (OMG.....)....he is driving me crazy and I am probably driving him just as crazy...LOL.  My girlfriend tells me this happened with her hubby too and eventually they get over it and accept that a baby is actually coming (well the hubby has 81 days give or take so he better get a move on it and accept it).

The only thing I can say is that GOOD NEWS finally happened on Monday 12/10/12 for not only me and my family but also my Mother.  Maybe it's a sign that things are turning around and will be ok.  I am going to start a long list of things that need to get done between now and March 2nd and take it a day at a time to get things moving and accomplished.

Oh yeah...I also need to update everyone with a new belly pic - haven't had one taken in a while and I feel like every morning the belly is getting bigger and bigger.  Oh boy....Oh wait it's a girl - we have had it verified 3 different times at all the ultrasounds I have had.

Thanks for stopping by....

Like Mother....Like Daughter

I was a Girl Scout from Brownies all they way through Seniors.  I earned not only my Silver Award but also my Gold Award.  I enjoyed being a Girl Scout.  When one of my daughters friends Mom's said that they were going to combine a troop in town and asked if I was interested in signing Samantha up to be a Daisy I said most definitely.  I knew that Samantha would enjoy the activities as well as the friendships that she would make.

This past weekend she had her first Community Service project where they visited a local Nursing Home and sang some Christmas songs and played bingo.  Samantha sang her little heart out and enjoyed playing bingo (one of her most favorite games to play at home).

Samantha was very excited about her trip to the nursing home and talked about it for days. I hope that she enjoys being a Girl Scout as much as I did.  I'll have to talk to my mother and see if I can find some pictures of me when I was 5 in Girl Scouts and I'll post them.
Thanks for stopping by....