Capturing Today's Moments For Tomorrow's Memories!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Getting Motivated

It is so hard to get motivated to accomplish things when you have a To Do List that is a mile long. 

After having my mini breakdown I decided that I can control this and created the list above.
(after I took the picture the list actually got even longer....and I had another mini panic attack)

I decided that the list would put things into perspetive for me and give me a little more control over everything that needed to be done. It would also allow me to track/see my progress along the way.

As of writing this post I have actually accomplished one and a half of the eighteen things that need to be done.  Yeah ME!!  One of the things is only done half way because I am waiting on some information from my sister to set up accounts for our gym memberships so I can cancel them. - so technically it's not my fault I only have one and a half things done - I'm going to put some of the blame on my sister :).

Here is to trying to see a dent in my To Do List....the goal is to have it completed by the end of this week....Let's see how that works out.

Thanks for stopping by....

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Quote of the Day...

I found this quote on pinterest while I was on it today and it just seemed perfect for my life at this exact moment in time.  Things happen for a reason and we just need to embrace it and let everything else go.  Everything will work itself out in the end.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

This Week's Instagram pics...

So I am finding out that I am taking more and more of my daily pictures with my camera on my phone instead of lugging around the big Canon T2i or even my small compact camera (which I usually forget at home).

Here are some of this week's excitement....

Samantha and her friend Madison bouncing in the bounce house

Samantha and her cousins at The Rainforest Cafe...
Celebrating Samantha's birthday again.

Hanging with Porky Pig at Six Flags Great Adventure...

Went to the Patriots game on Tuesday and the clouds were gorgeous
(the picture doesn't do it justice at all)

Oh you make my day a little better

Thanks for stopping by...

Don't forget to "like" Emilie Tomaro Photography on Facebook

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Birthday Girl!!!

Before the craziness began with the kids party yesterday I grabbed a few pictures of Samantha in her cute outfit.  I usually put her in a cute dress but knowing that we were going to be having a bounce house with a slide I picked out a cute outfit from Gymboree for her. 

She wore this outfit for all of 15 minutes and then changed into her bathing suit and was in that for the rest of the day.

My sweet baby girl!!!
(Samantha tells me I am still allowed to call her that cause she will always be my baby girl even when she is a grown up)

Let the 5 year old attitude begin...

What a great day yesterday was....Samantha and all of her friends had a blast.
  Once I have gone through the hundreds of pictures my mother and I took I will post some.  Especially of the awesome cake I made for was a carousel cake.

Thanks for stopping by....

Don't forget to "like" me on Facebook

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Photoshoot for the almost 5 year old....

I can't believe how time has flown by. I remember 5 years ago holding my little baby girl who weighed 6 lbs 7 ozs.  Now I hold my 44" almost 50 lb "big" baby girl. (sob...sob...sob).

During our quick photo shoot in the backyard the poor child got bit by at least 8 mosquito's.
We were only out there for 10 minutes if that...
she must taste good to them because I didn't get bit once

"Like this Mommy?"

"Or How about this Mommy?"

"Maybe this way....Mommy?" As she giggles

"I'm going to put my foot just like this and you take a picture Mommy...Ok?"


Happy "almost" 5th birthday to our Baby Girl Samantha!
(Sam tells me she will always be my baby girl and even though
 she is big I can still call her my baby girl)

Thanks for stopping by......