Capturing Today's Moments For Tomorrow's Memories!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Behind The Name...Peanut {Smudge} - Prego Files Part 2

So we found out we were expecting baby number 2 on June 21st, 2012.  I was about 2 days late with my period and had this feeling that I might be pregnant.  I sent my husband a text and he said to go and buy a pregnancy test and see.  I don't know why but I was very nervous about taking the test.  I think deep down I knew I was pregnant and by taking the test and seeing a "+" sign on the little stick would make it reality and I would have to deal with it.  Well I went to the pharmacy and picked up 2 boxes of pregnancy tests because I knew if it came back positive on one I would still need to take 3 more minimum to confirm the same thing.  After buying the tests I went home and took the test and yes it came back positive.  I sent Matt a picture of the test and said what do you see - and he texted back saying a plus sign and I text back saying Congrats your going to have another kid....

Now leading up to July 18th when we had our first doctor's appointment to confirm that there was in fact a baby and what the due date would be for the baby.  Well there was a baby in my belly - it was real and the due date was confirmed to be March 2, 2013.  When we got to see the first images of our baby the doctor referred to the baby as a "Peanut" and from then on Matt and Samantha kept referring to the baby as Peanut - so that became the babies name (until we know if it's a boy or girl and we have argued over the actual name of the baby).

About a week after Samantha and Matt named the baby "Peanut" Samantha made a comment to me that she wished we could of named Oscar (who is our 8 year old Boxer) "Smudge" instead of Oscar.  I asked her why and she said she just thought it was a good name.  I tried to change the subject and then she came back with we can just name our baby that and thus "Peanut Smudge Tomaro's" name came to life.

Here is Samantha - The Big Sister - with her babies first picture
On a side note......
This picture was taken about a week before Samantha even knew she was going to be a big sister.
After I found out I was pregnant I broke out the pregnancy books from when I was pregnant with Samantha and had left one of them in the living room - Samantha would pick up the book and just start looking through it and ask questions.....she was very interested in it.
Stay Tuned For The Next Edition Of The Prego Files...
Thanks for stopping by.....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

T-Minus 158 days to go....Prego Files Part 1

So...since I made this Facebook official a couple of weeks ago I figured I should also make it official on my blog...

In 158 days or so we will have a new arrival to our household.  Peanut "Smudge" will be joining our family of 3 and becoming a family of 4.  We are all very excited and can't wait to meet our new bundle of joy. 

We have about 3 weeks to go until we find out if Peanut is a boy or a girl - Samantha would like a girl so we would out number the boys 3 to 2 (Samantha counts the dog as a but she said she would be happy with a boy too....he could be her boyfriend she says.  Now no matter how many times I tell her that if it is a boy her brother can't be her boyfriend she just refuses to listen and says "No Mommy he is going to be my boyfriend" :).

Now let me tell you how different it is being pregnant this time compared to when I was pregnant with is a true 365 degrees different.

In 2006/2007 - Pregnant with Samantha.....
 - I could eat anything and everything.  Food tasted to good.
 - If nautious all I had to do was eat something and the feeling would go away
 - I was able to sleep for more than 2-3 hours a night.
 - Soreness, Aches and pains all over
 - Didn't get a baby bump until 5/6 months pregnant
 - Loved...Loved...Loved...Stuffed Shells (I couldn't get enough of them).
 - Samantha didn't move around much in utero - she found a comfy postion and just hung out

In 2012 - Pregnant with Peanut Smudge.....
 - Food is a complete turn off (sob..sob..sob)
 - Nautious all the time (not so much now but for the 1st 3 months it was bad) - eating made it worse
 - Can only sleep for about 2-3 hours at night and than I am up for 3 hours or so
 - Not really having any aches, pains, or soreness (knock on wood).
 - Have had a baby bump since 12/13 weeks.  Had to break out the maternity clothes already
 - Can't stand eating Stuffed Shells or Tomato sauce
 - Was craving Popcorn and have a bag every other day or so.  (I haven't eaten Popcorn in years)
 - Exhausted 24/7 - all I want to do is nap but the husband and 5 year old have other things in mind
 - At 12 week ultrasound the baby wouldn't stop moving - it just shows he/she is going to be a hellion
 - At 16 weeks I started to gag when I brush my teeth

Wish Me Luck With The Rest Of The Pregnancy :)
Here I am at 17 weeks.

Next up.....
- Figuring out a new layout for Samantha's room for the addition of her new roomate
- Trying to remember where we put all the baby stuff from when Samantha was little
- Figuring out how we are going to do this financially (Just breathe...Just breathe)
- Arguing over the name of the baby once we figure out if it's a boy or a girl
- Trying to find time to clean, organize and declutter the house (ha ha ha)
- And lots lots lots lots more I'm sure.
Stay Tuned For Next Weeks Edition of the Prego Files...
Thanks for Stopping by.....

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kindergarten....Here We Come!

So my little girl isn't so little anymore.  She is growing up right before our little eyes.  Each and everyday she is learning more and more and saying more and more "grown" up things.  Where has the time gone.

Last week we brought Miss Samantha to her first day of Kindergarten.  She was super excited to see all of her friends again as well as start her new adventure in school.  Believe it or not I was actually able to hold my cool and no one shed tears.

Samantha and her goofy smile
My Kindergartener
Off to school we go....with our Justin Bieber backpack and all
Samantha's exact words while taking this pic... "No more pictures after this one OK Mom"
(The child never calls me Mom....I must have been embarassing her)
Her first day of school was a half day so they were just getting familiar with the teacher, classroom, etc.  However the second day was a full day so she was there from 8:30am until 3:00pm.  It was a very exhausting 2nd day for her and when I asked her about it her words were "It was boring Mommy.....all we did was color and draw all day"  (Two of her least most favorite things to do).  When asked what boring was she goes "Mommy I don't was just boring".  You got to love the kid :).
Thanks For Stopping By...
Until Next Time....
Keeping Capturing Today's Moments
For Tomorrrow's Memories!